مطعم شجرة التين

يسعدنا أن نرحب بكم مرة أخرى في الموقع. نحن نعمل دائمًا بجد لتقديم أفضل الأطعمة لأنها شغفنا اليومي ونحب أن نرى دائمًا وجوهًا سعيدة جديدة تحب الطعام الطازج واللذيذ.


يتم تحضير الأطعمة اللذيذة لتسليمها طازجة حيث يتم استيرادها الآن من مطبخنا.

متعهد تقديم الطعام

يقدم مطبخنا مجموعة واسعة من الأطعمة والاختيارات المناسبة لجميع المناسبات، ونحن معروفون بجودة خدمة تقديم الطعام لدينا، لأن الطعام يتحدث عن نفسه.


من زوارنا

استناداً إلى 327 تقييماً
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Amer Chaar
20:54 17 Jan 25
Very beautiful rustic cartier pavilion, quiet, very good experience to discover
shirine dahan
17:38 17 Jan 25
The finest Middle Eastern cuisine restaurant in the city of Geneva!Hidden in a quiet street in a simple area of ​​the city, Le Figuier offers dishes little known in Geneva's latitudes, which reflect the immense variety of Lebanese and Near Eastern cuisine and its great finesse. The freshness of each ingredient is obvious, it makes all the difference with everything else offered in town.The service is attentive and very careful.The prices are not more expensive than those of a good Geneva restaurant.
12:24 17 Jan 25
22:20 16 Jan 25
Excellent restaurant
marion george
21:26 14 Jan 25
Wonderful, unique cuisine!Welcome like nowhere in Geneva.I recommend!
Lisa Warner
22:42 20 Dec 24
I love the food, service and atmosphere. There are so many items in the menu I want to try- that we have to keep coming back.
sami masry sy
10:32 09 May 24
It was a good experience. The food has a good original taste. this table bill was 550CHF
18:45 02 Dec 23
The service was extremely friendly and being in the restaurant felt like being in the home of a good friend, which I very much liked. The food was good but I was missing the special touch (like warm freshly made bread) that I’ve experienced in other similar restaurants in Geneva.
Really good Lebanese food in Geneva.Large portions as well, we ended up taking food home. I recommend this place.
pragya bhatnagar
22:59 23 Jul 23
Excellent food, great service. The staff was so warm and took personal care to see if we were ok and if the food was fine. Lots of vegetarian options too are available in the menu. Overall food was great and the place is very beautiful too.

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    من الثلاثاء إلى الأحد من الساعة 11:30 صباحًا حتى الساعة 2:30 ظهرًا وفي المساء من الساعة 6:00 مساءً حتى الساعة 11:00 مساءً.

    كل يوم اثنين يكون المطعم مغلقا.